Braised Tea Eggs
Aug 29, 2022

Braised Tea Eggs

Braised tea eggs are a classic Chinese dish that combines the delicate flavors of tea with the rich flavors of eggs. The eggs are simmered in a fragrant broth made from a variety of herbs and spices, resulting in a beautiful marbled pattern on the egg whites and a delicious, aromatic flavor.

Why make tea eggs?

One of the great things about braised tea eggs is how versatile they are. You can use a variety of different herbs and spices to create a unique flavor profile that suits your taste preferences. Some common ingredients include star anise, cinnamon, Sichuan peppercorns, and black cardamom.

One ingredient I particularly enjoy using in my braised tea eggs is dried orange peel. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to find (you can make it), but it adds a subtle citrus note that complements the other flavors beautifully. If you can't find it, don't worry - the eggs will still be delicious without it.

Which tea should I use?

When it comes to choosing the right tea for your braised eggs, it's really a matter of personal preference. I like to use Oolong tea, which has a slightly sweet and floral flavor that pairs well with the savory spices. However, any black tea will work just as well. I don't recommend using is green tea, I find the bitterness of green tea can give a too strong a flovour and overwhelm the eggs.


Oolong tea: Black tea or green tea can be used as a substitute.

Star anise: Anise seeds or fennel seeds can be used as a substitute.

Liquorice: Brown sugar or honey can be used as a substitute for sweetness.

Bay leaves: Thyme or rosemary can be used as a substitute.

Sichuan peppercorns: Black peppercorns can be used as a substitute, but they will not have the same unique flavor as Sichuan peppercorns.


4 bags of Oolong tea

2 pieces of star anise

2 slices of Liquorice

3 pieces of bay leaves

6 cloves of garlic

1 inch Cinnamon

4 Cloves

1 tbsp Sichuan peppercorns

2 tbsp Dark soy sauce

2 tbsp of sugar



Boil 1 liter of water. Add the eggs carefully using a spoon. Cook them for 10 mins. When they are done roll the eggs to crack the shells.


Change the water. Place all ingredients into the pot and cook for 40 mins or longer depending on how flavorful you want the eggs. The eggs can also be refrigerated in the stock for up to 3 days and will increase in flavor.

Barefoot Chef

Barefoot Chef

This is the barefoot chef

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